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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

Pandi Press Box and other bits of news

A wonderful box of goodies from Pandi!  Cookies, coffee, bookmarks, and BOOKS!

Some months back at a convention, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kasey Lansdale about a new project called PandiPress.  I like to receive 'real' mail and even more I like to receive surprise boxes of wonderful things.  So, trusting to Kasey's good judgment, I signed up and subscribed to get PandiPress boxes.  This is my first one to arrive.  It had coffee in it, which I'm drinking right now, and lemon cookies that I hid from myself, a postcard, a bookmark, a cut out and two books.  One is a 'flip book' similar to the old Ace Doubles (showing my years here).  A flip book isn't the one where you thumb the corner of the pages and see a tiny animation, although those a great fun, too.  This is one where there is a story by Joe Lansdale (Hyena in the photo.)  And after you read that, you flip the book upside down and look, there's another story. The other book is Wake Up and Open Your Eyes by Clay McLeod Chapman.  This will be my first reading venture into his work, but that's really the fun of a surprise box in the mail. So all good stuff and I'll be digging into that!


Today I amused myself by beginning the tediou task of gathering up my tax numbers for the tax organizer from my accoutant.  No, I don't keep track of it all year.  Yes, I know there are software programs I could use.  I am an old dog refusing to learn new tricks.  No matter how easy they are for someone else.  


Fred is busy setting up our new beehive, and tonight we will order bees.  Last year, I got few plums, and had to hand pollinate some of my squash and pumpkins.  You can hand pollinate tomatoes and cucumbers with a tiny paint brush and a lot of patience.  Instead, we are attempting the great bee experience. I will be keeping everyone informed of how it all turns out. 


Dogs and I went for our usual stroll down to the Nisqually River.  No rotting salmon this time, just a very nice walk.  Came back, and got beat up by a hen who thinks this is a good time of year to hatch some eggs.  Nope.  But given the stte of eggs and poultry currently in the US, I may let her hatch one batch when spring is here. She's a mean old thing.  Not a peck.  She grabs a beakful of flesh and tries to slice through the skin to the meat.  Not fun but she will be a great mother to chicks.  


I continue to make progress on my PAY IT FORWARD space in the old dojo building.  Andrew and Faire dropped by to offer useful sugggestions which I am acting on.  One of the tables will be at a height for those who like standing desks.  And I modified the lighting from my personally preffered  BRIGHT LIGHT EVERYWHERE to a calmer, gentler illumination.  Also added another couch and comfy chair, a Keurig coffee maker and an electric kettle for tea.  If you are wondering what I'm talking about, go back a few blogs.  It will be a writers' refuge where creative people can find a couple of undistracted hours to write. And maybe eat a cookie and have a cup of tea.


Anything else exciting in my life?  Hm. Well I will go up to University Book Store in Seattle on Wednesday the 29th to autograph special order books.  If you want a signed Hobb or Lindholm book, visit their website and order a book.  In the commens section, put down that you want it signed.  That's it, no extra charge.  


Upcoming cons I plan to attend.  Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, and Seattle Worldcon.  I will attempt to attend Celsius 232 in Avila, Spain, but only if my health and stamina continue to recover.  I might drop in on Norwescon over Easter weekend.  We will see. 


Well, I guess that's about it.  Time for me to go get some story words typed down. Thanks for dropping by!

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