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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

A New French Fantasy Magazine: Chimeres

A new French fantasy magazine will commence publishing on September 27 2024.

One of my first introductions to short works of fantasy and science fiction was in the pages of the digest sized magazines that my mother also loved. I was 11 or 12 when I first started reading them.  Amazing Stories!  FANTASTIC! Analog. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.  Those were some of my favorites.  And then that new one came along: Asimov's Science Fiction.  The short stories in those magazines introduced me to many of my favorite authors. And, in time, they offered me some of my first publication opportunities.  I still subscribe.


The fantasy and science fiction genres have seen many magazines come and go over the decades.  Sometimes I feel old when I think that one of my first commercial publications was in FANTASTIC! a magazine gone for many years now.  So I am always happy to see a new magazine open its pages.  This one is for French readers and writers.


Chimeres will commence publication on September 27, 2024.  Victor Battaggion will be editor in chief.  And I am very pleased to say that I had a very enjoyable time being interviewed, and that interview will appear in the first issue of the magazine.

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Barnes and Noble Sale!

Cover of Dark Horse Comics Assassin's Apprentice Vol. 2

We all love a sale, don't we?   If you are a Barnes and Noble Premium Member, they will give you 25% off all preorders from September 4 to 6.  And of course, among the books you could buy is the Dark Horse Comics Volume 2 of Assassin's Apprentice.  This is the second collection of the comics in a nice hardback format.  Jody Houser did a great job of adapting my books to this form as the writer, and the entire Dark Horse team did wonderful work on this.  



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