Yes. I have ladybugs in my house. For better or worse, my home is pretty permeable to them. It's not as bad as the old house, which I shared with a number of friendly residents: possums and raccoons in the attic, all matter of insects inside.
Every fall, the ladybugs invade, looking for a place to hibernate for the winter. And I am alwasy astonished that such tiny pieces of life can enter my home, hide behind a picutre on the wall or up im the corner of the ceiling, and be still for months. Then, when spring touches the house and the sunlight comes in the windows, there they are! And I open the windows and take out the (ineffective) screen and spend a pleasant quarter hour watching them open their little red and black shells, put out their lacy black wings and take flight. What a miracle.
As for my title to this blog, like a lot of US Citizens, I am having a 'Buy Nothing' day. It's a quiet protest to some things my federal government is doing. Will it be noticed? Unlikely.
But on this day, I will instead donate. Used items, clean and folded and sorted, will go to a second hand store instead of into a landfill.
Then I'm going down to the Yelm School district offices. For the second time, our school district levy failed. The levy would have added $2.50 cents to my property taxes per $1000 of value. Not a lot, but my local schools depend on it. So today, I will go into the offices and write a check for that amount and donate it to the school. I can ear mark it for lunches or the arts or sports, etc. It's a tough choice. They are all important.
I don't understand how people can think that art and music are 'extras' in a kid's education. Or food!
I'm 72. One of the worst things I can imagine is being 82, and the kids that are 8 right now are 18 and voting, but they don't read well or understand statistics. Or worse, they don't vote at all because they were never taught about how democracy works. Undereducated people are a shame to my country and my city.
So I'm going to put my money on the table. I don't have any kids or grandkids in the Yelm school system anymore. But everyone one of those kids can impact my life for the next (X) number of years that I am alive here. I want them to have the best education they can get.
So that's my rant for the day. And yes, I'm letting the ladybugs overwinter in my house!