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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

International Comic Con San Diego July 24-28

As I always do the night before I embark to a convention, my introvert self suddenly wonders, "Why am I doing this?"  


But the answer is a simple one. It's because I enjoy meeting readers.  And I love connecting with friends I haven't seen, sometimes, for years!  So, despite dragging a suitcase through a crowded airport, and sitting in a cramped airplane seat to get there, I am looking forward to the convention.


Belatedly, I am going to let you know where to find me if you happen to be at International Comic Con in Sand Diego and want to connect.  Bear in mind that while I do not charge for autographs, some of the places I'll be signing have rules about how many things I can sign, and what you must do to line up.  I'll try to cover those.


Thursday  July 25


This has become my busy day at the convention!


12:30 PM -   1  Table 1 at PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE/BOOK WORLD – Booth #1514/#1515/#1623. Giveaway of the first in the Farseer series, ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE.  


 BUT  For all signings in the booth, distribution of tickets will begin at 10am at Table 1 and move to the checkout area at 10:45am. For signings that require a book purchase, tickets will be distributed at the time of the book purchase while supplies last.  I do not require a book purchase!


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM DARK HORSE COMICS - Booth 2615. Signing of Dark Horse Comics 's ASSASIN APPRENTICE (graphic novel) with author Jody E Houser.

There will be wonderful Swag given away at the Thursday signing at the Dark Horse Comics booth. You can get a free print signed by Jody Houser and me.


But You will need a wristband! WRISTBAND INFO: Some signings require a wristband for entry, as noted on the schedule. Drawings for wristbands for these events will begin when the exhibit hall opens to the public the day before and the day of each signing and will end when all allotted wristbands have been given out. Come to the Dark Horse booth early (9:30 am is when the exhibit hall opens!) for the wristband drawings and for the best chance to attend these events.




Friday  July 26


2:30 to 7   Sails Pavilion  AA14  In addition to signing what you present to me, Kat and I have planned to have a token gift for readers.  As far as I can tell, no wristbands or early sign up required. So come on by, say hello, and I can sign a program or whatever book you bring. Mysterious Galaxy will be selling books at Booth 1119.   I promise I will stay until 7 PM, so if the line is long at first, come by a bit later.  


Saturday  July 27   


This is my 'fun for me' day.  No time committments except some meet ups with writer friends.  But if you see Kat and I wandering about, don't hesitate to say hello!


And Sunday is my fly home day.  


That's it!  Hope to see you there!