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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

5 or 10 years from now . . .

read you voter pamphlet!

Do you want your life to be better 5 or even 10 years from now?


Then vote.


Regardless of your political stance on anything, the only way you will get closer to whatever goal you hope for is to vote.  


And vote in ALL the races.  Not just for President or Governor.  Look at your state Senators and Representatives.  Look at your county Executive, your Assessor, your Sheriff.  Vote for the judges in your state Supreme Court and your County Superior Court.  Look at your state Treasurer, your Superintendant of Public Instruction, and of course your Governor and Lieutenant Governor.


Vote for all the 'less important' government posts.  Because the candidates who win those posts are on their way up the political ladder.  You are going to see the names of the winners again, over and over, in the next decade.  


The best way to eliminate extremists and wackos is at the lower levels of the elections.  It's like pulling weeds in a garden.  Cull them while they are small, and they don't overshadow your plants and spread seed.  


Watch the 'little' politcal posts in your local elections.  Who is running for school board and what do they stand for?  The kids who are ten years old now and in school will be voting in eight more years, and they will vote based on what they've been allowed to learn.  Even if you don't have kids of your own in school, the kids who grow up to be voters are going to have a big effect on your life. 


Find out who is on your local Council for the Arts, and other volunteer organizations serving your community.


Vote for the people who share your values. Push them up the ladder.


And the ones who are already in power?  Make your voices heard,  Write an email when your representative or senator does something good.  Write letters when they do something stupid.  They do  care about your vote.  Make them earn your support.


Make things better for yourself in the future.

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