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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

How to get an Autographed Book

Display of Robin Hobb books at University Book Store, Seattle, Washington

It's time for another reminder of how to do this.


With traffic and other obstacles,  I don't drive up to University Book Store in Seattle as often as I used to.  


But I will be there to sign and dedicate special orders on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.  Please note this is not a 'meet the readers and sign books' occasion.  I drive up, head for the basement where the orders are waiting on a rack for me, and I sign them all.  Then University Book Store ships them out to the people who have ordered them.


Most asked question:  Where do I ask for an autograph on the order form? 


Please make that request in the comments section.  And for my sake, be very specific.  Not "It's my grandma's birthday, can you sign a book for her?"  but "Please sign this 'Happy Birthday to Amanda Jones. You made it to 70!'   That makes it so clear to me, and I don't sign it 'To Grandma.'


I live in a different country.  Will they ship a book to me?


Of course.  But shipping may be expensive, so take a look at it before you commit to buying the book. 


Because I do not get up to Seattle as often as I used to, please plan ahead if you want the book for a special occasion.  For example, if you want a signed book for an event in July, please order it now, as I may not get up to Seattle again until August. 


Thanks to all of you who love signed books!  And just a note that I'm not the only Pacific Northwest writer who leaves signed books there.  Do you love Bridgerton or the Dresden Files?  Check out what the bookstore has to offer in signed books.  


Help keep brick and mortar bookstores in business!




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