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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

Phoenix Fan Fusion update


The slow process of moving myself into new offices continued.  I took the space for a test drive on Thursday and found it a good place to write.  It's just a temporary desk there; the walls still need paint, the floor needs carpeting, the flourescent light fixtures must go.  I am so looking forward to having all my books in one place.


But, before that happens, let's talk about Phoenix Fan Fusion.


May 24th, 2024 is just around the corner, bringing with it Phoenix Fan Fusion in Phoenix, Arizona.  And I will be there!


I recently learned that Peter V Brett (The Hidden Queen) Josh Malerman (Birdbox) and Katherine Arden (The Warm Hands of Ghosts)will also be there.  As will Melissa Marr (Remedial Magic   I recently attended a talk she gave on Romantic Fantasy)  So I'm looking forward to getting together with old friends and meeting some new ones.  And I hope that will include many readers.


If you'd like to encounter me there, here is my schedule:


Friday, May 24

10:30   Writing from Experience   North 226BC

12 Noon    Signing   B 927S

4:30 Choose your own Adventure LIVE  North 226BC


Saturday, May 25

10:30   Signing   B933S

4:30  Bad to the Bone--Villains in Fiction  North 226BC


Sunday May 26

10:30  Bring Your World to Life  North 226BC

Noon   Signing  B933S

3:00  How I Became an Author  North 227B


I will, of course, be wandering Artist Alley and the Merchandise area and other interesting panels.  If you see me, feel free to stop me for a chat. 




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