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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

More Frequent Blogging ahead in 2025

A cup of tea in a streamside setting of leaves and grass

Well, my friends, here we are in a relatively calm and quiet place.  I've got a hot cup of tea.  If you do, too, so much the better.


I am planning to blog here a lot more often, possibly even more than once a day.  If you have followed me here from somewhere else, then I wonder why.  What are you hoping to find here?


I will be blogging about everyday things: planting gardens, writing books, feeding chickens.  But I will also be letting people know about things like upcoming convention appearances, books I read and enjoyed and cute things my dog said.  So all the things that I might otherwise post on social media sites are going to be here, instead.


Will I still post on X, Instagram, Facebook and Bluesky?  I will probably go there to see what friends are posting, and I may 'like' or comment on a post.  But for the most part, I'm going to be right here.  


So, what have I been up to today.  I did two loads of laundry.  I went to Home Depot, where they are out of the hanging light fixture I wanted.  I bought an electric kettle and a Keurig coffee pot for the new project in the old dojo buildinlg.  I updated the auto-pay for my Medicare advantage account, as the price has gone up.  I filled my bird feeders, fed the chickens, fed the three geese I own and the 30+ wild ducks I do not own.  Broke ice out of the chickens' water dish and refilled it.  Scheduled a medical appointment for my older sister that I take care of.  Moved money from savings to checking.  Swept the floor.  Fixed the vacuum cleaner that was acting up.  Fed a cat and two dogs.  And I brought the recycling bin down from the edge of the road, and checked my mailbox for mail.


  Oh, and I walked the dogs down to the Nisqually River, where we found an extremely stinky and rotten salmon carcass.  In an act of supreme cruelty, I pushed it back out into the water, denying my dogs the opportunity to roll in it and perhaps get salmon poisoning.


Such is my exciting life.  Here, it is 4 PM and soon I have to make dinner, which will be exciting hamburgers.  Cooking is not my favorite thing.  In fact, I would give up eating dinner forever if I never had to cook it again.  Becasue I don't enjoy cooking, I'm not a good cook.  Thus all my children were forced to learn to cook decent food for themselves at an early age.  it's a tactic I recommend to parents everywhere.


Things I am excited about.  My garden seed order should arrive soon.  And soon I will be opening my Pay It Forward space in the old concrete building in McKenna.  But that really merits a blog of it's own, and as soon as I am ready to launch it, you will read it here.  


Thanks for dropping by!

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Grimoire ECCC An Anthology for Emerald City Comic Con

Image of the Todd Lockwood cover for Grimoire ECCC, a fantasy anthology of stories by authors attending Emerald City Comic Con in 2025  A dragon breathes fire!  A list of contributing writers.

In 2024, Shawn Speakman of Grim Oak Press had an amazing idea.  He was going to attend Dragon Steel Nexus, the Brandon Sanderson convention.  What if he solicited stories from other attending authors and created an anthology unique to that convention?  People could pre-order signed copies, or collect autographs from all the authors during the convention. 


The anthology sold out!  And many readers came to the Grim Oak Booth at Dragon Steel Nexus to have their books signed and chat with the contributing authors.


So . . . Let's do it again.  Shawn is creating an anthology that will feature works by authors attendind Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington in March of 2025. 


If you are attending, this will be a lovely chance to chat with and get autographs of the authors.  But it can also be pre-ordered and mailed to you.


Contributing authors include 

Terry Brooks
Cassandra Clare*
Matt Dinniman*
Robin Hobb
Seanan McGuire
Annalee Newitz*
Kat Ogden
Shawn Speakman
Nate Taylor
Julia Vee & Ken Bebelle


To order the anthology for either pick up at ECCC or mail delivery, click here: Grimoire ECCC

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