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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

Limited Number Available Mad Ship Subterranean Press edition

Cover Art for The Mad Ship, Subterranean edition.  Art by John Howe.

Isn't that cover art amazing?  That's Paragon, as envisioned by John Howe.  This cover is for the limited edition from Subterranean Press  


Some copies of this are still available, but past experience has taught us that they sell out quickly.  So, if you want one, now is the time.  Collectors and Bibliophile quality from Sub Press, as always.


Very shor blog post; still dealing with post covid fog.  It's awful



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Hurricane Helene Relief

Receipt for donation to Hurricane Relief effort

Okay I will go first.  And I'm late to the party trying to help out victims of Helene.  I've tried to write this blog four times and each time post covid misery defeated me.


But as Billy Joel says, "I'm here right now."  And late help is better than no help.


I'm going to start by saying there are many charities helping out in the areas Helene hit so hard.  If you think you've found a good one and intend to donate, here is a suggestion.  Go first to Charity Navigator.  That's a site that tells you how much of your donation actually gets through to the people you want to help.  I use it all the time.  I aim for 90% or better.  I do recognize that charities have to pay their employees, etc.  But it's a good place to start to be sure your money is going to do some good.  If you can't find your charity there, it doesn't mean it's bad.  Just that it may not be rated yet.


Now, my offer to you.  One good turn deserves another, but PLEASE read this carefully.  This is US only.  Sorry to generous people in other countries.


If you donate more than $25 to Helene relief, I want to do something nice for you.  So.  For the first 50 people who respond, I will send you a signed book.  I get to choose which one.  (Maybe more than 50  if Kat can spare a day to help me.)


1.  Print out a PAPER copy of the donation receipt that shows the charity letterhead.  Blot out any personal financial info,  Leave your name, the date, the charity and how much you donated,  ($25 or more)


2.  On a piece of paper, print out or type your name and address in this format.  (Why? Because I'm going to use it as a mailing label. )


              YourFirstName     YourLastName

               Number and street name

               Apartment number if you have one

                City, State    



3.  Put both in an envelope and mail to me at:

                Robin Hobb

                7006 Harts Lake Road South

                Roy     WA



You can add a printd email address if you want.  If you do, I will send you an email telling you it was received, and that a signed book from me is on its way, by parcel post.  Not super fast but it will get there, if you have neatly printed your name and address!


PLEASE.  Don't send me an email with an attachment.  I will delete it.  This only works if you send me a paper copy of your receipt and a paper copy of your name and address for me to use to send you a book. Real Mail Only.    


To repeat:  Send me a paper copy of your receipt, your name and address on a piece of paper, and if you have donated more than $25, I will send you a signed book.  


I'm still a bit run-down post covid, so I hope this doesn't sound too crabby.  And you can't add any comments to this post because I'm too tired to deal with them right now.  


But let's help the people who got hit so hard by Helene.


My thanks to all.







A New French Fantasy Magazine: Chimeres

A new French fantasy magazine will commence publishing on September 27 2024.

One of my first introductions to short works of fantasy and science fiction was in the pages of the digest sized magazines that my mother also loved. I was 11 or 12 when I first started reading them.  Amazing Stories!  FANTASTIC! Analog. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.  Those were some of my favorites.  And then that new one came along: Asimov's Science Fiction.  The short stories in those magazines introduced me to many of my favorite authors. And, in time, they offered me some of my first publication opportunities.  I still subscribe.


The fantasy and science fiction genres have seen many magazines come and go over the decades.  Sometimes I feel old when I think that one of my first commercial publications was in FANTASTIC! a magazine gone for many years now.  So I am always happy to see a new magazine open its pages.  This one is for French readers and writers.


Chimeres will commence publication on September 27, 2024.  Victor Battaggion will be editor in chief.  And I am very pleased to say that I had a very enjoyable time being interviewed, and that interview will appear in the first issue of the magazine.

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