Well. There they are. After more than 25 years, I am thrilled to say that the Farseer Trilogy will exist in matching editions in hardover in the US!
Moreover, these books will be of excellent production quality. All three will feature art by Magali Villeneuve. The endpapers are a gorgeous map of the Six Duchies. Assassin's Apprentice also features as a frontspiece the original paperback cover art by no other than Michael Whelen.
As I have with every book I've writtern, the initial launch for Assassin's Apprentice 25th Anniversary Edition will be from University Book Store in the University District of Seattle, Washington State. I will be there to sign and chat with readers on October 1, 2019 at 7 PM. 1.800.335.7323 | 4326 University Way, N.E.
Seattle, Washington 98105
Duane tells me they already have over 50 pre-orders, but its still not too late to add yours! If you want the book personalized, please add that information to the 'comments section of the order form.
The very next day, I will be flying to New York City for New York Comic Con. I'm very excited to be there again, to meet readers and to sign books for them. We will also have some free books to give away at the Del Rey Booth. So if you have your tickets to NYCC, please be sure to come by and see us!